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共 72 頁 / 第 1 頁
第 1 筆 The narnia trivia book/C. S. LEWIS著.--初版.--New York:HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS,1994..--The chronicles of narnia.BOOK 7
第 2 筆 The last battle/C. S. LEWIS著.--初版.--New York:HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS,1994..--The chronicles of narnia.BOOK 7
第 3 筆 The silver chair/C. S. LEWIS著.--初版.--New York:HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS,1994..--The chronicles of narnia.BOOK 6
第 4 筆 The voyage of the Dawn Treader/C. S. LEWIS著.--初版.--New York:HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS,1994..--The chronicles of narnia.BOOK 5
第 5 筆 Prince Caspian/C. S. LEWIS著.--初版.--New York:HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS,1994..--The chronicles of narnia.BOOK 4
第 6 筆 The horse and his boy/C. S. LEWIS著.--初版.--New York:HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS,1994..--The chronicles of narnia.BOOK 3
第 7 筆 The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe/C. S. LEWIS著.--初版.--New York:HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS,1994..--The chronicles of narnia.BOOK 2
第 8 筆 The magician's nephew/C. S. LEWIS著.--初版.--New York:HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS,2000..--The chronicles of narnia.BOOK 1
第 9 筆 The magician's nephew/C. S. LEWIS著.--初版.--New York:HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS,2000..--The chronicles of narnia.BOOK 1
第 10 筆 An acceptable time/Madeleine L'Engle著.--初版.--New York:Square Fish,2007[民96]..--The wrinkle in time quintet;5
第 11 筆 An acceptable time/Madeleine L'Engle著.--初版.--New York:Square Fish,2007[民96]..--The wrinkle in time quintet;5
第 12 筆 Many waters/Madeleine L'Engle著.--初版.--New York:Square Fish,2007[民96]..--The wrinkle in time quintet;4
第 13 筆 A swiftly tilting planet/Madeleine L'Engle著.--初版.--New York:Square Fish,2007[民96]..--The wrinkle in time quintet;3
第 14 筆 A wind in the door/Madeleine L'Engle著.--初版.--New York:Square Fish,2007[民96]..--The wrinkle in time quintet;2
第 15 筆 A wrinkle in time/Madeleine L'Engle著.--初版.--New York:Square Fish,2007[民96]..--The wrinkle in time quintet;1
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